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- Part Number: CMN003006
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208-221 108 LSA .360/.360 Lift
High Performance Strip/Pull Cam
Increased durations and lift to utilize increased air flow from ported and aftermartket heads. Great for a 2.5 pull truck to a full time competition vehicle, or multi turbo charger systems.
This is a high performance camshaft, thus lessing the piston to valve clearance the engine has in the stock form. Keep in mind that some Cummins cam gears have slightly different offsets built in, and production tolerances of the gears, camshaft, block, and cylinder head also change the clearances of installed parts from engine to engine.
Our camshaft work best when the intake lobe centerline is installed from 98° to 103°. This camshaft requires valve relief pockets in your piston. It is the customer's resposibility to check and insure that installed centerlines, and piston to valve clearance is appropriate for engine operating conditions.
To modify installed centerlines call us for offset keyes, or adjustable cam gear. A basic degree wheel, a small amount of wire and a dial indicator is all that is needed to degree a cam in.
Tappets – What you need to know before installing your camshaft.
You must have new tappets supplied by No Limit MFG or have your tappets resurfaced from No Limit MFG,when installing any of our cams, or damage and wear may occur. OEM Cummin's tappets will not work with No Limit MFG steel camshafts. The OEM tappets are built with a flat face. This causes edge loading, and will quicken wear. We also have found hardness inconsistancy in OEM Cummins flat tappets. This inconsistancy can lead to tappet and camshaft failure. Our No Limit MFG new tappets, and reground tappets are made with a crown on the face. This allows the tappet to spin more. Thus slowing down wear and evenly spreading the wear across more of the tappet. Our tappets are also checked for hardness consistancy, and must meet a minimum RC. For reground lifters we check hardness on all lifters before resurfacing to garuantee correct operation. For engine applications using extreme boost, high rpm, and high spring pressures we also offer an up graded tool steel lifter that is DLC coated. This lifter has been tested on superstock open trucks, 3.0 trucks, and the same technology has been used in Nascar for many years. Talk to your dealer or give us a call and we will recommend the correct lifter for your application.
Cylinder Head Springs
On engines seeing over 30psi, over 500hp, or over 3500rpm we also suggest 110lbs 24v springs or 165lbs 12v springs and No Limit pushrods. If your running compound turbos and have extreme boost, 70 psi or more, please call, and we will help you determine the spring you will need.
Preping your engine block
A steel camshaft will stop most breakage due to harmonics, and twist, but it is still vulnerable to breakage from journal seizure. The Cummins engines, have either one or two bearings for the seven journals. The other five or six journals ride directly on the block. In instances where big lift cams and high spring pressure are used, the cam can push through the oil film that separates the cam and block and seize. Having the block line-bored and installing journal bushings will ensure this does not happen with a cast or a steel camshaft.
If you are running a cam with more than 210 degrees of duration @.050", more than .340" lobe lift, more than 400# nose pressure or getting close to 4500 rpm, it is highly recommended to have your block modified to accept cam journal bearings for all 7 journals. Even if you do not meet these specifications, and you are using it in any type of pulling or racing, it is highly recommended to have your block modified to accept cam journal bearings for all 7 journals. We even recommend haveing your block align bored and cam busings installed on any engine for any use. If your block has been removed from the truck, or can be removed, it is a low cost insurance to have this done. Ask your dealer, or give us a call and we can help get you to a good machine shop to perform the work.
It first starts with the break in process. Do not use used oil. Used oil carries contaminents, and the additives that help lubrication under extreme pressure have been broken down, and are much less than new oil. So it is very important to start with new oil. There are many break in oils available. Use a break in oil that has a high zinc content. You can use a much higher zinc content than 1400 ppm. For break in you want a minimum of 3000 ppm. If your oil is low in zinc also known as ZDDP, you can add a engine break in additive. Make sure you use an additive that has a high concentration of ZDDP.
Recommended Break in Oils and Additives:
- Driven Break in Oil
- Amsoil Break in Oil
- Lucaus Break in Oil Additive.
- ZPLUS ZDDP Additive.
Make sure to follow oil manufacturers instructions. Having to much is better than not enough during break in.
Also coat the camshaft with a camshaft paste. Camshaft paste is available from Zplus, and No Limit MFG. The camshaft paste will stick to the camshaft and not slide off. It also has Moly, and ZDDP additives to help with extreme pressure lubrication during break in.
All oil is not the same. Even synthetic oils are very different. Oils made today are made for new vehicals with emmisions devices. Oil from the past, have additives that over a period of time, will plug and corrode the emmisions devices on new vehicles. So the government has set new regulations for oil to reduce their effect on the emmisions devices. The main additive that is removed is ZDDP. This additive was the most well known and the best at reducing wear of sliding metal components. The reduction of this additive has caused the automotive industry to have many wear problems early on in the new regulations life. Many of the problems related to flat tappet camshaft wear. To resolve the problem most OEM automotive car companies have converted to roller lifters , and camshafts to match. In the case of the flat tappet camshafts all camshaft manufactures only recommend using higher ZDDP concentrated oils used in the past. So what does this mean for new vehicles like the 6.7 Cummins. Well you will have to choose between lessing the time your vehicle's emmisions will last or run the risk of damaging your camshaft.
We highly recomend using high ZDDP oils or zinc additives for low ZDDP oil. Your oil must contain at least 1800 - 2000 ppm or more of ZDDP. So KNOW Your Oil. Just because it is synthetic , or high tech, does not mean it contains enough ZDDP. If it does not, it will result in damage to the camshaft and lifter. Good oil is a low cost solution to longevity of engine parts. Usually oil manufactures that produce racing oil have the oil you need. Make sure to tell them you need a ZDDP content of 1800- 2000 ppm or more, and this is being used in a diesel truck or car. If your not sure give us a call and we will get you in the right direction for oil. (Note: most oils do not contain that high of ZDDP levels. In most instances you will need to add extra ZDDP to your oil.)
Also make sure they know your application. Racing oil is made for racing, and doesn't have the detergent additives needed to drive your vehicle on the highway. And typically oil used in your vehicle for highway use doesn't always offer the heat properties of racing oil. So if you are driving your vehical on the highway and racing, pulling, or drag racing it, you will need to consider using two oils. Typicall race oil changes are 2-3 races down a pulling track or drag track.
Also keep in mind that severe duty conditions also effect the change interval. If your towing, towing heavy loads, streat racing, reving your engine, (rolling coal), or driving on hot days, these all effect how long the oil can protect the wear components of your engine. Typically change intervals will be greatly reduced in these conditions. A good way to determine your oil change interval is to have your oil tested. If your interested or would like your oil tested please call us.
Cam retainers are NOT to be used with 2003+ 5.9L & 6.7L Cummins engines unless your front cover has been modified for proper clearance.
No Limit part number: CMN003006