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- Part Number: 3990095
- Est. Ship Time: Usually Ships By Next Business Day
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Includes item number 24 in second picture.
This item has *Right Hand Thread & is 1 3/4" Long-
We are not responsible for return shipping or expediting a new part if you don't check your thread style (right or left) or overall rod end length. Please verify what you have before purchasing.
We have found that SOME trucks may use a different style throttle linkage rod and will not work with these ends..
This is NOT a popular item, it's more odd-ball. You'll want to double check the thread direction and overall length before purchasing.
Please enter your ESN above. If you can't find it.. you may be better off ordering a complete throttle linkage rod here. The ESN check will ONLY verify if the linkage rod end is the correct type.. not the thread direction (right vs left).
Please look up part numbers 3990093 & 3990094 before purchasing! Display picture for this item shows a 1.25 inch long rod end. This item is 1.75 inches long.
This rod end also works on 91-93 trucks! (no ESN needed). If you want new rod ends and a linkage rod, check out this Mopar kit here.
Cummins part number: 3990095